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31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

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30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We will celebrate All Saints Day on 1 November at 5.30pm We celebrated Mass of Remembrance on 2 November at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome to both Masses.

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29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday we celebrate World Mission Day

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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday we are celebrating 100 years of St Vincent de Paul here in Gympie.

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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Podcast Series on the New Testament - The Words that Make the World

None of us can remember life without the New Testament, it's always been there. In this podcast series "The Words that Make the World" hosted by Archbishop Mark Coleridge, we...

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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Archdiocese of Brisbane RAP 2.0 unveiled

The Archdiocese of Brisbane has unveiled the second iteration of its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which covers the period 2023 - 2025. A RAP is a strategic document containing practical...

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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Personal reflections on "The Voice"

The Referendum on the Voice brings Australia to a threshold moment, since it looks not only to our past but to our future, not only to what we have been...

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