Holy Eucharist is the final sacrament of the three sacraments of initiation. This sacrament completes the sacrament of initiation.
Meal is an essential part of human activities because in a meal situation we gather with our families, friends, our colleagues. During the meal we share our stories: what we have done for the day; or we are there just for the sense of being together. Having meal is not just merely about eating food, but it is a gathering. Likewise, the Holy Eucharist is a gathering. This gathering symbolises that the Christian communities are gathering as the Body of Christ, a grace which a person received from Baptism and it strengthened by Confirmation. In this sacrament, the person will receive the Body and Blood of Christ which nourishes them in their faith journey.
St Patrick's Catholic Parish Gympie
Parish Priest: Very Rev Dr Adrian Farelly
Parish Secretary: Mrs Brianna Bridges
Parish office address:
14 Church St Gympie QLD 4570
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