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Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults


Report an incident or provide feedback

  • Speak to the police
    (Emergency: 000 Non-Emergency: 131 444)
  • Contact Kids Help Line or visit the website
    (1800 55 1800 or
  • Speak to our Local Safeguarding Representative
    (Mr Ian Laherty 0460 573 349)
  • Fill out a Safeguarding Incident Report and send to
    [email protected] or post to GPO Box 282 Brisbane Qld 4001

Safeguarding Incident Report



The Archdiocese of Brisbane abides by standards of conduct for voluntary church workers. Commitment to these standards requires that we have a record of Blue Card and conduct background referencing for all who intend to engage in voluntary ministry having direct and regular involvement with children, young people and vulnerable adults.


Blue Card and Police check

All volunteers and paid workers must have a valid Blue Card. It is the responsibility of the individual to keep their card up to date. Below are a few links that might assist with the Blue Card and Police Check.

To apply for a Police Check for St Patrick's Parish as a volunteer click the link below.


Safeguard Training

The Archdiocese of Brisbane has three Safeguarding options.

The first is Safeguard Induction
All registered Archdiocesan volunteers must complete the Safeguard Induction (duration around 20mins).
The Safeguard Induction is also used for a refresher training every 2 years and is also a pre-requisite for the Applied Safeguard Training.​

The second is Applied Safeguard Training
All registered Archdiocesan volunteers who work with children and at-risk-adults must complete the Applied Safeguard Training.

Children are those under the age of 18 including unborn babies. At-risk-adults are those 18 years and over who is or maybe in need of community care services by reason of mental health issues, learning or physical disability, sensory impairment, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him/herself or unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or serious exploitation.



Safeguard Training continued

The third Safeguarding training option is Local Safeguarding Representative Training.
Archdiocesan workers appointed as Local Safeguarding Representatives must complete the Local Safeguarding Representative Training.
Local Safeguarding Representatives, as a pre-requisite, must complete the Safeguard Induction but do not need to complete the Applied Safeguard Training.

For more information, please visit: 



Completion Forms

Once the training is complete a Confirmation of completion form must be submitted to register the training.​

This can be done by online or hardcopy form (see the below links). Hardcopy forms will need to be verified (signed) by the relevant parish, ministry or community before being forward to the People & Culture (HR) Office.

IMPORTANT – Safeguarding training that is not properly registered with the People & Culture (HR) Office will not be recognised for compliance.

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