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Caritas Australia leader steps down after five years of service to poor across the world

Jul 26, 2024

KIRSTY Robertson says she cherished the chance to serve the world's poorest people as she steps down from her role as Caritas Australia chief executive...

St Augustine's leader building up community of faith, hope and love

Jul 26, 2024

"I BECAME an educator to inspire children and watch their progress." This is how Kimberley Clark's journey in Catholic education began, and in 2024, she...

'A truly good man' - Queensland remembers and farewells Jim O'Sullivan

Jul 25, 2024

FORMER Police Commissioner and devoted Catholic Jim O'Sullivan was farewelled today by family, friends, colleagues and dignitaries at a Funeral Mass at Our Lady of...

Bishop Harris warns most vulnerable at risk as pain medicines for palliative care pulled from market

Jul 25, 2024

OPIOIDS, like liquid morphine, essential for palliative care are being pulled from the Australian market, leaving many vulnerable members of society in pain and hopelessness,...

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