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31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

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30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We will celebrate All Saints Day on 1 November at 5.30pm We celebrated Mass of Remembrance on 2 November at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome to both Masses.

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29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday we celebrate World Mission Day

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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday we are celebrating 100 years of St Vincent de Paul here in Gympie.

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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wishing all the Father's and father figures in our lives a very Happy Father's Day.

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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

We will be holding our Youth Mass this Sunday at 5.30pm St Patrick's Parish

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